Friday, 17 April 2015

Bleached neon stripes and directional chevrons: Summahhhhh time

Get directional! How's about some fun neon nails with black arrows cause IT SHALL BE SUMMER SOON THE WEATHER GODS TELL ME. For this week's weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) that I co-host on Instagram along with lovely ladies Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey, the theme was pastel and the prompt was chevrons! Obviously I never really follow rules you know me soon let's just pretend that bleached neons = pastel, mmk?

I used the entire Maybelline Bleached Neons collection (so summer 2014, I know) and single chevron nail vinyls from Nail Vinyls to create this summer easy and eye-catching look!

You best watch the video below cause I talk it in again... oh boy here we go.



For products used in video please see the YouTube description box! (open the video in YouTube)

I am aware that this design is nothing unique, but I couldn't put my finger on where I might have seen something like this before. Well that's not true, neon vertical stripes down the nail have been done 294704740747 times, but I can't remember seeing anyone do black single directions chevrons down the nail like this... I could be wrong? Let me know cause IDK OBV.

How's about we take a look at just the neon-ness stripes first:

I used one of striping brushes from my Winstonia 'Something Blue' brush set! There's 15 brushes in all, it's a great deal and I love the quality! After all my acetone abuse they really hold up :p

Winstonia striping brush

Yogourt lids make the best polish palettes! Don't recycle them... keep them for your nails MUAHAHAH

Back to the feature mani + black chevrons! It's way more my style than the basic stripes cause EDGY YASSS. Also the geometric trippyness is something I like too, obv. 

If you have a really great memory then you may recall the last time I used the full set of Maybelline Bleached Neons in my trippy directional corner gradient mani! Totally in love with the formulas of these polishes, they just the right thickness and mmm oh so creamy!

Alright now it's your turn to talk at me: Should I talk more in my videos or is that just a waste of my entire weekend when I could be painting more nail art??? :p

Polishes used:
- Cult Nails 'Nevermore' (black creme)
- Color Club 'French tip' (white thick creme - get it here!)
Maybelline Color Show 'Bleached Neons' limited edition collection (most have vanished but there's some still on Amazon!):
- 'Citrus collide' (yellow creme)
- 'Bleached in peach' (orange creme)
- 'Coral heat' (orange-coral creme)
- 'Pink punch' (pink creme)
- 'Ultra violet' (purple creme)
- 'Day glow teal' (turquoise-blue creme)
- 'Lime accent' (green creme)

*Color Club polish provided to me by Live Love Polish for my impartial review. Nail vinyls provided to me by Nail Vinyls for my impartial review. Striping brush provided to me by Winstonia Store for my impartial review.


  1. I love love the bright background!

  2. Love this design for Spring & Summer. Yup you should talk more in your videos!

  3. your nails look amazing! I wonder how you can come up with a nail art creation so beautiful as this!
    It's soo pretty and I love all the details ;)

  4. You should talk more! I know you promised for 1 minute or less tutorials but you're so hilarious that you make the nail art even more fun! I love it!

  5. What an amazing neon polish collection and the final effect with the chevron is super cool!

  6. Wow wow wow!
    The manicure is perfect!! It's lovely.

    And the creamy white it's a dream :)

  7. nice blog
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