Monday 28 September 2015

Crystal bling nails with the Crystal Katana

Sparkly sparkly blang blang on ma chainnnn! Check out these epic blinged af nails done up with an awesome new to me tool - the Crystal Katana! It's basically a rhinestone picker-upper thing-a-ma-jig except that it actually works. Thank god for tools that are utile! I've got an extended video tutorial below that shows you exactly how it works, and how it compares to (and dominates) a couple other 'rhinestone picker' tools out there. Check it out after the jump!

USE MY EXCLUSIVE CODE SIMPLY10 for 10% off your own Crystal Katana!


Saturday 26 September 2015

Plaid nails and looking back at some better plaid nails

It's setback Saturday... can that be a thing?

I did some plaid nails for this week's edition of the weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) I co-host on Instagram along with Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey, because, well, I had no choice: the theme is jewel tones and the prompt is plaid. Therefore I had to put plaid on my nails. Good story, Cristine.

After I was finished I was not really feeling the design and I was all like "well why am not feeling this design tho"... and so I went back in my old plaid nail art archives and things made sense. I was so much better at doing plaid designs years ago, what happened?!?! Guess that's what you get when you commit to the vinyl, gradient and holosexual lifestyle.


Saturday 19 September 2015

Easiest cat nails you will ever do

Cats on my nails!!! For this week's edition of the weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) I co-host on Instagram along with Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey, the theme is jewel tones and the prompt is mix & match! Which to me = where the fack I want. The people of the Internet (you) have been asking for cat nails, and while I'm no realistic portrait painter, the best I can do on a whim is cat nail vinyls. Can you believe I've had these for months and never used them?! 


Wednesday 16 September 2015

Clarins 230 - The history of the Unicorn Pee

The historial, highly coveted unicorn pee nail polish has FOUND ITS WAY TO MY NAILS. Wow. I am so honoured that such a supernatural creative would grace my hands with its urinary excrements. 

So you may have heard me mention in my nail polish collection video that I indeed have an original bottle of Clarins 230 aka "Unicorn Pee", but you wouldn't have seen it on my nails up until now. That's cause it took me a year to finally get around to doing this set of videos... woops. Don't blame me, blame the extinction of the unicorn.

In any case, enjoy photos of the legendary piss of the unicorn, an up-close-and-personal video feed of its magical and enchanting properties, and the officially unofficial history of this landmark nail polish!  

Clarins 230 nail polish, i.e., something you should never buy yourself unless you're a rich af asshole

Saturday 12 September 2015

No-water holographic (drag) watermarble!

A whole week between nail arts this time, eh? *sweats* Meanwhile people on YouTube asking me to post videos every day and I'm like: umm..... YouTube is not my job. I am an average adult in society and work at a desk in an office with terrible lighting that does not do holo justice for 40 hours a week. So unless someone wants to go in for me every day (or pay me millions to quit), then I likely cannot post YouTube videos every day ;)

Blah blah blah HERE'S MOAR NAILS. For this week's edition of the weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) I co-host on Instagram along with Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey, the theme is jewel tones and the prompt is drag marble! Cause you can never have enough practice at trying to be Russian (see here and here).


Sunday 6 September 2015

Stained glass glitter placement + easy removal!

Five hours and a lot of snapple crack later... came these nails. These took the longest to do of any glitter placement I've done (not that I've done that many), but in any case, DON'T THEY LOOK SWEET?! For this week's edition of the weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) I co-host on Instagram along with Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey, the theme is jewel tones and the prompt is stained glass! I actually listened again (I'm on a roll).

These nails were inspired by Glitterfingersss on Instagram (she also has a blog here), but she doesn't make video tutorials so I just had to do the world a service and figure out how to do these myself, then show everyone!


Thursday 3 September 2015

Simple glitter placement for beginners

Another mid-week nail art post?! How much crack did I do since Monday?!

Here's some simple enough glitter placement nails I did to show how a simple glitter placement can be as bangin' as a full nail glitter placement one!

Loose glitter is from Twinkled T (who sells a bajillion different colours of glitters btw) - you can use my code SIMPLY at checkout for 10% off whatever you order, yay!


Tuesday 1 September 2015

Back to school nails & what I learned in school (or didn't learn)

It's that time of the year again when you wish it wasn't that time of year again. Back to school season! Not for me though... muahahah. I was done with school about 2 years ago after finishing my Master's degree. BYE SCHOOL BYE

But nevertheless, it's still a time of year that everyone experiences because THOSE GODDAMN BACK TO SCHOOL FLYERS ARE EVERYWHERE. So if you're in school, then these videos are for celebrating (or not celebrating) your return, and if you're not in school, then these videos are for celebrating not going back to school but having to put up with those flyers everywhere.

Color Club 'French Tip' - or find it on Amazon