Friday, 31 October 2014

Halloween nails throwback: Sea-foam sponging clouds and creepy silhouettes

Throwback! To May of this year (2014) when I did these Halloween nails with summer just around the corner and I was all like I don't even know what Halloween means at this time of year. I did them for an issue of Nail It Magazine, and turns out they were included, woohoo! Evidently these nails are wayyyy different from nails now, so much so that they don't even look like my nails. Visit my Nail Care page to see what I've done in the past half-year or so that has completely changed my nail length and durability!

I don't have a video tutorial for this mani given that it was done so long ago, before I began dedicating my life to nail tutorials obviously. But it is a combination of three different things:
  1. Base gradient of yellow to orange using a make up sponge (see my Gradient Guide here)
  2. Use a sea foam sponge technique (see video below) to create the irregular creepy-looking clouds, here I'd used a mix of nail polish and acrylic paint and basically just kept building up layers until I was happy with the effect achieved
  3. Paint on black silhouettes with acrylic paint using a small detail brush (mine wasn't very small then, was it?)
Here's the most recent sea foam sponge technique video I did, but for a rock-like abstract mani as opposed to clouds:

It's the same idea/sponge concept applied to create these purple clouds, which is more similar to the blue clouds seen in this Halloween mani.

What mediocre hand-posing, photography, and nail appearance I know! It's like I'm an amateur or something :| Just goes to show how far practice and learning from others goes!

Polishes used:
- China Glaze 'Sun worshipper' (neon yellow-orange)
- Essie 'Meet me at sunset' (orange creme)
- Maybelline 'Styled out' (navy blue creme)
- Colors by Llarowe 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star' (dark blue jelly with micro silver glitters)
- Black and white acrylic paints


  1. I love the way the color contrast implies both a lightness and darkness in this design - SO COOL! And not to mention perfect for Halloween without being the usual colors! (I know they're from a while ago but I love Halloween all year round haha)

    1. Thanks so much! It seems like forever ago since I did these but now I want to redo them lol - and yes, Halloween all year long!!

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  3. To make the uneven creepy-looking clouds, use a sea foam sponge technique (see video below). I used a mix of nail polish and acrylic paint and basically just kept building up layers until I was happy with the result.Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Keep up the good job! Continue to spread the word. Please take a peek at my website.
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