Sunday, 29 March 2015

The best peel-off stuffs for nails: Let the peel-off face off begin!

Have you been wondering all like "what's that purple stuff?" or "how do I make that peely stuff" when you see other nail artists just peeling back some polish mess off their fingers? I HAVE THE ANSWERS FOR YOU!! And not only that, but I've evaluated 6 different products and hosted a face-off between the peel-offs to help you decide which one you should buy, or if you should even buy one at all!

Let's get straight to it: Make sure you watch the whole vid below (click the MORE button!) if you wanna hear about my final evaluation ;)

Featured nails:

Color Club Poptastic Pastel Neon collection


Saturday, 28 March 2015

Painted Polish: Multi-chrome flakies with HOLO

You knew this was coming - Painted Polish, the indie line known for their endless options of holo glitter polishes, has come out with a holo-glitter packed multi-chrome flakie... WATT. Say that again? I've got Part I right here right meow - make sure to watch @paintedpolishbylexi's Instagram feed for details on Part II! These three deadly shifty babies were actually released back on January 16th. Yes, and three months later, I swatch them, IKR. I am officially the worst blogger ever. Whatever just forget that and LOOK AT THE HOLO GLITTER N SHIFTY FLAKIES, LOOOOOOKKKKAHHHHH #shitnailartistssay

Teal holo dry brush with fancy chevron tip

It's monochromatic nails time for this weeks nails in the weekly nail art challenge (WNAC) I co-host on Instagram along with lovely ladies Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of MissBellaTracey. I went with teal holo cause I love teal holo and cause I have so many of them.... COLLECT ALL THE TEAL HOLOS.

I used a basic dry-brush technique then slapped on some fancy chevron tips using vinyls I got from Up Your Nail. You may have also noticed that I haven't been posting as much nail art lately... read on to hear me blab about why!


Saturday, 21 March 2015

Gradientception time: Scaled reciprocal gradient with black and holos!

GRADIENTCEPTION MUAHHAHAHA. Okay so at first you probably think it's just a checkerboard *whatever, yawn*, but look CLOSER! Yes, thats right, if you're thinking what I'm thinking, that's a SCALED RECIPROCAL GRADIENT say whhhhhaaaaat. So I did a scaled reciprocal gradient back in my neon happy days, and this is my second attempt and I tried a different pattern using the same logic/technique! The logic is basically insanity and the technique is essentially spending 8 hours doing your nails.

I used the infamous Color Club holos I got from Live Love Polish - their selection of these is unreal!!! HOLOSS 4 LIFE.


Friday, 13 March 2015

Badass holo and rhinestone bondage nails

...NSFW perhaps? Fack fifty shades of grey, how bout however many shades of holo!

This weeks nails is the product of both the 'holo' theme and 'embellishment' prompt for a weekly nail art challenge I co-host on Instagram along with lovely ladies Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of @missbellatracey. I had recently seen a similar technique of rounding out the lines where they intersect done by @sharingvu on Instagram and I knew I had to try it out!

The star polish is my first EVER Dance Legend, 'Different View', which I got from Hypnotic Polish! Gahhhh it's so pretty it's owning my nails like ohhh shiiiieeettt.


Thursday, 12 March 2015

Glam Polish the White Witch Collection - oh so enchanting!

Glammmm gawwwgeousssss!!! I've got some highly anticipated swatches of the new Glam Polish the Cast a Spell Collection Part III collection! This collection was released March 4 I'm just slow af obviously :D But just turn your attention to these sparkling pastel holo shades packed full of holographic glitter and you'll completely forget that I'm sharing this way past the release date. Details on where to grab yours at the end of the post!

In Glam Polish's previous Cast a Spell Collections, the world of dark magic was explored. Part III "The White Witch Collection" is inspired by white magic, the use of supernatural powers or magic for good and selfless purposes.

Scroll down and don't miss some comparison pics with other Glam Polish's from other collections ;)

Glam Polish White Witch collection

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Random simple blue gradient with iridescent topper

So I'm basically just posting this randomness I did back in October of 2014 now cause I wouldn't want to post two swatch sessions in a row, right!? I dunno why I never ended up posting this one, it basically just sat in my editing folder for the last 6 months and now it's so dusty it looks like it's sparkling!!


Monday, 9 March 2015

KB Shimmer holos and a sad sad day for glitters everywhere

Hurrah, holo!! I've got three new polishes by KB Shimmer available from Harlow & Co. to show off today. Harlow & Co. stocks over 30 indie nail polish brands and they ship both domestically to the US and Canada (free shipping for orders over $50!) and internationally as well! 

You're prob wondering why I said three new polishes and there's clearly only two here... scroll down and you'll find out... though you may regret it LOL.

KB Shimmer holos from Harlow & Co.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Blobbicure gone holo with two of the new ILNP springies

It's almost spring!!! Except just for everyone else in the world but me in sad, cold, miserable Canada... but new nail polish collections titles 'spring collection' keep reminding me I live in the worst climate ever. DAMN YOU CANADIAN WINTER THAT LASTS HALF THE YEAR, DAMN YOU.

Okay back to nails - this mani is my first ever 'blobbicure' as they're termed, as it was this week's prompt for a weekly nail art challenge I co-host on Instagram along with lovely ladies Kristin of Lacquerstyle and Tracey of @missbellatracey. I actually re-did this one a couple times cause I wasn't putting the polish on thick enough, but with mistakes comes improvement, amirite?!

I used two new holo babies from I Love Nail Polish's new spring 2015 collection and I'm in LOVE!


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Starrily flakies: Get excited for some flakie porn

... 'scuse me while I wipe my drool off the table, cause I've got 16 - yes that's SIXTEEN - epic new multi-chrome flakies to entice you with today. Starrily is a new brand to me, having never tried their products before, but let me tell you, my oh my was this was a great way to break my Starrily cherry. The two new collections, aptly titled 'Mythology flakies' and 'Heavenly holos', are both full of rich opaque multi-chrome flakies. Yes yes, we all already know 2015 is the year of the flakies and now more and more brands are coming out with them... but you know what I say: MOAR FLAKIES MOARRR!

Starrily - Heavenly holos swatches
Starrily - Heavenly Holos collection

Starrily - Mythology flakies swatches
Starrily - Mythology Flakies collection