Tuesday 25 March 2014

Turquoise stripes inspired by a sweater

I waited a while to do this mani because I knew I would yield the best output if I held off and waited for my new nail vinyls created by @teismom (IG)!

This mani involved two firsts for me: 1) Using nail vinyls (but obviously I'd used striping tape, but they ARE different guys, seriously), and 2) using the saran wrap technique to make the basecoat look a bit heathered like my grey-base sweater.

The nail vinyls I used were the perfect size. Sometimes striping tape can be too skinny for thick-striped designs and you end up using 2 or more or overlapping layers of striping tape to create the desired thickness, but all that goes to shit when the polish bleeds through the tape and you instantly regret even considering layering striping tape. PROBLEM SOLVED ladies: nail vinyls come in assorted thicknesses.

This is the result.

Sorry for some photo duplications, I just had to share the collage above with you that I made for Instagram because what are the chances that I have a sweater, nail polish, AND earrings that were basically meant for each other?!

For the record I actually already owned ALL of the polishes used in this mani, i.e., I did not go out and purchase a polish specifically to execute this mani. AND I didn't even have to mix any polishes, woohoo! This is when you know your stash is getting pretty big when you're like hmm I have this exact blue, aqua, navy blue, turquoise, and then some.... 

Polishes used:
- Essie 'Power clutch' (medium-dark grey)
- Seche 'White'
- Sephora Formula X 'Extraordinary' (light grey)
- Quo by Orly 'Mesmerizing waterfall' (deep turquoise)
- Essie 'Bouncer, it's me' (neon royal blue)
- Maybelline Color Show 'Urban utopia' (medium aqua)
- Seche 'Wonderfully witty' (navy blue)


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  2. USA Digitizer said...
    wow this the nice nailed polish colour and this looking very beautiful and I want to buy this for my daughter thanks for posting this and keep it up.

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