Monday, 10 March 2014

Work appropriate mani Monday: Neutral looping effect

This is a version of what I call the looping effect mani (see original post here), but made for the office! I have not made a tutorial for it since I have basically no one except my cats checking out this blog on a daily basis, but if there were ever some interest I'm sure I'd do it for the millions of fans I might have one day. This is about as probable as my cats replicating my manis.

The looping effect mani is a very simple concept on its own but in this one I've embossed the loops by adding both light and dark accents. And some random dots cause even though my mind was telling me to quit.... my paintbrush just kept going. Story of our lives.

I actually did this mani in February of 2014 so you can breathe a sigh of relief since you don't have to look through some crappy older manis/photography that I clearly just post to make it look like I do my nails every day (I don't.... yet).

Proof that I don't just walk around all day with only one elaborately painted hand:

Polishes used:

- Quo by Orly skinny striper polish in White
- Seche White
- Quo by Orly 'Naked' (the perfect nude)
- China Glaze 'Classic camel' (sheer gold shimmer within, used inside dots)
- Essie 'Glamour purse' (medium brown)
- Nails inc. 'Kings road' (metallic beige, used for dots)
- Nails inc. 'Oxford street' (medium rich brown)

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