Monday, 21 April 2014

Earth Day: Lights on, lights out

When I was doing my last Earth day mani for Nailpolis' Earth day nail art challenge what I thought was a much more creative idea popped into my head. So off came my Earth in a galaxy mani and then came a split black and white undercoat to prep for this (second) Earth day mani. Phew!

The idea behind this is the 'lights out' theme of Earth day. That is, when the world shuts off the lights for an hour. Even though Earth hour and Earth day are two seperately recognized events, the end goal of raising awareness about the sanctiny of our planet is just the same. Each nail depicts a symbol reminiscent of Earth day or energy use and is presented dichotomously where one half is 'lights out' and the other half is 'lights on'. 

Each nail was painted with a combination of nail polish and acrylic paints. I made the black side imagery darker than the half of the image you can see on the white side by adding a bit of black acrylic to the polish (or acrylic) mix.

In order of each nail starting with the thumb:
1) A tree as one of the main symbols of Earth day representing growth and life
2) A recycling symbol (self-explanatory)
3) The Earth with half the world's lights out and half on
4) An old school lightbulb half lit up and half off (well, in some countries including Canada for now but the ban is coming to a country near you if not already)
5) A charging symbol where half is fully charged and half is dead or dying (thank you iPad, for the inspiration)

Polishes used:
- Cult Nails 'Nevermore' (black base)
- Zoya Pixie Dust 'Chita' (green textured - used on dark side of tree and recycle logo)
- Pure Ice 'Saddle me up' (metallic warm green - used on light side of Earth and light side of tree)
- China Glaze 'In the limelight (neon)' (green - used on charging symbol)
- Quo by Orly 'Little miss sunshine' (yellow - used on light bulb)
- Orly 'Pointe blanche' (white base)
- Acrylic paints including white, yellow, green, blue, brown, and red

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