Sunday, 18 May 2014

Neon triangles with a touch of tribal

I did this bright neon mani last month (April) when it was basically still winter in Canada and thought I'd save it for a post when there was actually sun outside. That day was today! Just some random triangles painted on with striping tape used as a guide, then outlined with black polish freehand style. My ring finger is accented with tribal just to throw you off a little. 

I love this colour combo: hot red-fuschia paired with neon magenta-purple? Yum. Now that's sexy, but even sexier over white. My hands even look a tiny bit more tanned, which doesn't mean much because I am a ghost.

Errr... there is a cat hair in this shot. This always happens.

Crappy photo but I did both hands. I was too impatient, however, and smudged my cinderella hand's tribal with topcoat... woops.

Polishes used:
- Orly 'Pointe blanche' (white)
- Orly 'Hot shot' (neon red-fuschia)
- Finger Paints 'Pop art purple' (neon fuschia-purple)
- Quo by Orly Instant Artist striping polish in black

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